Vancouver International Airport’s Tamara Vrooman Becomes Chair of Canadian Airports Council and Fredericton International Airport’s Johanne Gallant Becomes Vice Chair

The Canadian Airports Council (CAC) has recently announced a significant shift in its leadership team, with Tamara Vrooman of Vancouver International Airport (YVR) taking the helm as Chair and Johanne Gallant of Fredericton International Airport (YFC) stepping into the role of Vice Chair.

Vancouver International Airport’s Tamara Vrooman Becomes Chair of Canadian Airports Council and Fredericton International Airport’s Johanne Gallant Becomes Vice Chair
DALL-E 3 Illustration of Aircraft Flying Over Vancouver, BC - Courtesy of

Vancouver International Airport’s Tamara Vrooman Becomes Chair of Canadian Airports Council and Fredericton International Airport’s Johanne Gallant Becomes Vice Chair

Key Takeaways:

  • Tamara Vrooman of Vancouver International Airport has been appointed as the Chair of the Canadian Airports Council (CAC).
  • Johanne Gallant of Fredericton International Airport steps into the role of Vice Chair of the CAC.
  • The new leadership team is expected to navigate the CAC through post-pandemic recovery and ongoing industry challenges.

The Canadian Airports Council (CAC) has recently announced a significant shift in its leadership team, with Tamara Vrooman of Vancouver International Airport (YVR) taking the helm as Chair and Johanne Gallant of Fredericton International Airport (YFC) stepping into the role of Vice Chair. This change comes at a pivotal time for the aviation industry as it seeks to recover from the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and address ongoing challenges such as sustainability, digital transformation, and customer experience enhancement.

Tamara Vrooman's Leadership at YVR

Tamara Vrooman, the President & CEO of Vancouver Airport Authority, has been a prominent figure in the aviation industry, known for her strategic vision and commitment to sustainability. Under her leadership, YVR has been recognized for its innovative approaches to airport operations and community engagement. As the new Chair of the CAC, Vrooman brings a wealth of experience and a track record of successful leadership.

Her role at the CAC will involve steering the council's strategic direction, advocating for the interests of Canadian airports, and fostering collaboration among members to address industry-wide issues. Vrooman's expertise in finance and governance, coupled with her experience in managing one of Canada's largest airports, positions her well to lead the CAC through the complexities of the current aviation landscape.

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Johanne Gallant's Contributions to YFC

Johanne Gallant, the President & CEO of Fredericton International Airport Authority, has been instrumental in driving growth and development at YFC. Her efforts have resulted in significant improvements in airport infrastructure and services, enhancing the travel experience for passengers and positioning YFC as a key player in the regional economy.

As Vice Chair of the CAC, Gallant's role will be to support the Chair in executing the council's strategic initiatives and to represent the interests of smaller airports within the organization. Her experience in airport management and her understanding of the unique challenges faced by regional airports will be invaluable in shaping the CAC's policies and advocacy efforts.

The Canadian Airports Council: An Overview

The Canadian Airports Council is the voice of Canada's airports, representing over 50 airports across the country. The CAC serves as a platform for airport authorities to collaborate on common issues, share best practices, and advocate for policies that support the growth and development of the aviation sector in Canada.

The council plays a critical role in engaging with government, industry stakeholders, and the public to promote the interests of airports and ensure that they are well-positioned to meet the needs of travelers and the communities they serve. With the new leadership team in place, the CAC is poised to continue its important work in representing Canadian airports at a national and international level.

Strategic Priorities for the CAC

Under the leadership of Vrooman and Gallant, the CAC is expected to focus on several strategic priorities, including the recovery of the aviation industry post-pandemic, the advancement of sustainable practices, and the enhancement of digital capabilities within airports. These priorities reflect the evolving demands of the industry and the need for airports to adapt to changing passenger expectations and global trends.

The CAC's strategic priorities will also encompass advocacy for regulatory changes that support airport development and competitiveness, as well as initiatives to improve operational efficiency and customer service. The leadership team's combined experience and vision will be crucial in guiding the council's efforts in these areas.


The Role of Airports in Economic Recovery

Airports play a vital role in the economic recovery of regions and countries, serving as hubs for trade, tourism, and investment. The CAC's new leadership team recognizes the importance of airports in driving economic growth and is committed to advocating for policies and investments that facilitate the recovery of the aviation sector and the broader economy.

The council will work closely with government and industry partners to ensure that airports have the resources and support they need to rebuild passenger traffic, enhance connectivity, and contribute to economic revitalization. The strategic leadership of Vrooman and Gallant will be instrumental in positioning Canadian airports as key drivers of economic recovery.

Enhancing Passenger Experience

Improving the passenger experience is a top priority for the CAC and its member airports. The new leadership team is focused on initiatives that streamline airport processes, incorporate innovative technologies, and provide high-quality services to travelers. By enhancing the passenger experience, airports can increase customer satisfaction, build loyalty, and differentiate themselves in a competitive market.

The CAC will continue to facilitate the sharing of best practices among airports and support the implementation of passenger-centric initiatives. Vrooman and Gallant's insights into the needs and expectations of travelers will guide the council's efforts to elevate the passenger experience across Canadian airports.


Sustainability and Environmental Stewardship

Sustainability is a core focus for the CAC, with member airports committed to reducing their environmental impact and contributing to global efforts to combat climate change. The new leadership team will champion sustainable practices within the industry, promoting initiatives that reduce emissions, conserve resources, and protect natural habitats.

The CAC will also advocate for policies and funding that support airports in their sustainability goals, such as investments in clean energy and green infrastructure. Vrooman's and Gallant's dedication to environmental stewardship will be reflected in the council's actions and initiatives aimed at achieving a more sustainable aviation sector.

Digital Transformation in Aviation

The aviation industry is undergoing a digital transformation, with airports adopting new technologies to enhance operations, security, and customer service. The CAC's leadership team will prioritize the acceleration of digital initiatives within Canadian airports, recognizing the potential of technology to drive efficiency and innovation.

The council will facilitate knowledge exchange on digital best practices and support airports in their efforts to integrate advanced technologies such as biometrics, artificial intelligence, and data analytics. Vrooman's and Gallant's experience with technology implementation will be a valuable asset in guiding the CAC's digital transformation agenda.

Collaboration and Partnerships

Collaboration is key to the success of the aviation industry, and the CAC's new leadership team is committed to fostering strong partnerships among airports, government agencies, and industry stakeholders. By working together, the aviation community can address shared challenges, leverage collective resources, and achieve common goals.

The CAC will continue to serve as a platform for collaboration, encouraging dialogue and cooperation on issues ranging from security to economic development. Vrooman's and Gallant's collaborative leadership styles will enhance the council's ability to build and maintain effective partnerships.

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The Canadian Airports Council has ushered in a new era of leadership with Tamara Vrooman of Vancouver International Airport as Chair and Johanne Gallant of Fredericton International Airport as Vice Chair. Their combined expertise and vision are set to guide the CAC through the industry's post-pandemic recovery and beyond. With a focus on strategic priorities such as economic recovery, passenger experience, sustainability, digital transformation, and collaboration, the new leadership team is poised to address the evolving needs of Canadian airports and the communities they serve.