ADM Aéroports de Montréal Implements Strategic Measures to Counter Congestion at YUL by 2024

In response to the escalating passenger traffic and the resulting capacity challenges at YUL Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, ADM Aéroports de Montréal has announced a comprehensive plan to alleviate congestion by the summer of 2024.

ADM Aéroports de Montréal Implements Strategic Measures to Counter Congestion at YUL by 2024
DALL-E 3 Illustration of Aircraft Flying Over Montreal - Courtesy of

ADM Aéroports de Montréal Implements Strategic Measures to Counter Congestion at YUL by 2024

Montreal, Canada – In response to the escalating passenger traffic and the resulting capacity challenges at YUL Montréal-Trudeau International Airport, ADM Aéroports de Montréal has announced a comprehensive plan to alleviate congestion by the summer of 2024. This initiative is a proactive response to the congestion experienced during peak periods, particularly evident in the recent summer season.

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Innovative Solutions for Traffic Management

ADM's strategy focuses on redistributing car traffic, limiting circular vehicle movements, and reducing the number of vehicles using access roads. These measures are expected to decrease the number of vehicles entering YUL's main curbside by up to 700 per hour during peak times. The solutions were chosen based on criteria such as speed of implementation, operability, and passenger experience.

Key Measures Include:
  1. Alternative Drop-off Zones: Two remote drop-off zones will be established in the new P4 parking lot, east and west of the site. Passengers can opt for these zones, which will be serviced by a five-minute shuttle service, bypassing congestion. These zones will also cater to arriving passengers.
  2. Parking Revisions: A review of YUL's parking rates is in progress, with discounts planned for short-term parking and special rates for more distant lots. The upcoming multi-level P4 parking lot will add 2,800 spaces, accessible via an alternative route.
  3. Enhanced Public Transport: The Autorité régionale de transport métropolitain (ARTM) and the Société de transport de Montréal (STM) have improved the 747 bus service between the airport and the city center. This includes online ticketing and increased bus departures.
  4. REM Station Development: ADM continues its work on the REM station, aiming for completion in spring 2026, with the first passengers expected to use this sustainable transport mode in 2027.

Long-term Vision for YUL

In addition to these short-term solutions, ADM is refining plans for sustainable, multimodal facilities to improve access to YUL. By 2028, these measures will triple the main curbside's capacity, offer more nearby parking, and reconfigure the road network for the new drop-off zones. ADM is also accelerating work to increase airside capacity, including adding remote gates and enhancing baggage handling.


A Commitment to Enhanced Passenger Experience

Yves Beauchamp, President and CEO of ADM Aéroports de Montréal, emphasizes the organization's commitment to providing the best possible experience for passengers and users of the airport site. The focus is not only on immediate improvements but also on preparing for future demands, with Montreal expected to see the strongest passenger growth in Canada.
